Diversity Among Latinx Evangelicals

Matt Reis and Dr. Ryan R. Gladwin offer a profile


Streams of Latin American Protestant Theology (Brill, 2020) by Dr. Ryan R. Gladwin examines the Protestant theological streams—Liberal, Evangelical, and Pentecostal—in Latin America. In this episode of OP Talks, Dr. Gladwin discusses the book with his former student Matheus Reis, who researches and writes about the Brazilian diaspora. They also focus part of their conversation on the current political landscape in Brazil and Florida, exploring the deepening divide between progressive and neo-conservatives, and how this division translates on the ground. As Dr. Gladwin points out:

“In the last election, Trump carried Florida, and part of that was that he was able to perform a lot better among the Latino community. That was a surprise to a lot of people outside of Florida…I didn't find it so much of a surprise [because], a lot of times, the South Florida Latino communities are misunderstood. It's quite diverse, and you go down to Miami, and there's a little of everything…As you know, Miami is often correctly called the northernmost city in Latin America…it's a very diverse Latino community.”


Gladwin, Ryan R. “Why I like the quiet peace of Mennonites and loud liberation of Pentecostals: The Transformative Possibility of Mennocostal Ethics and Praxis.” Mennocostals: Pentecostal and Mennonite Stories of Convergence, Eds. Marty Mittelstadt and Brian Pipkin (Pickwick, 2020).

Reis, Matt. “But what about me? BLM and Christianity.” Centre for the Study of World Christianity, School of Divinity, The University of Edinburgh, 20 June 2020.



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