Mary Hess

Dr. Mary E. Hess is Professor of Educational Leadership, and Chair of the Leadership Division at Luther Seminary, where she has taught since 2000. She holds a BA in American Studies from Yale, an MTS in theological studies from Harvard, and a PhD in religion and education from Boston College. As an educator straddling the fields of media studies, education and religion, Dr. Hess has focused her research on exploring ways in which participatory strategies for knowing and learning are constructed and contested amidst digital cultures. She is particularly interested in dialogic forms of organizational development, and the challenges posed to communities by oppressive systems such as racism, classism, sexism, and so on. Her most recent book, co-written with Stephen S. Brookfield, is Becoming a White Antiracist: A Practical Guide for Educators, Leaders and Activists (Stylus Publishers, 2021).


Elizabeth Conde-Frazier


Marjorie Agosín