Jean-Pierre Ruiz


Dr. Jean-Pierre M. Ruiz is Associate Professor and Senior Research Fellow in Theology and Religious Studies in St. John's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. He holds STL and STD degrees in Biblical Studies, and an STB in Theology, all from Pontifical Gregorian University. A Past-President of the Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the United States (ACHTUS), Dr. Ruiz maintains an active program of research in biblical studies. His particular interests are in the prophetic and apocalyptic literature, and with a special focus on the relevance of the Bible to contemporary concerns regarding immigrants and refugees. This was the focus of his book, Readings from the Edges: The Bible and People on the Move (Orbis Books, 2011), the winner of a Catholic Press Association Award. A contributor to the New Oxford Annotated Bible and to the Anselm Academic Study Bible, he is widely recognized as an authority on the Apocalypse of John. Dr. Ruiz has served as editor-in-chief of the Journal of Hispanic / Latino Theology and as associate editor of the Catholic Biblical Quarterly. He is a consultant on teaching and learning with the Lilly Endowment-funded Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning in Theology and Religion. Dr. Ruiz serves on the Religion and Foreign Policy Working Group of the U.S. Department of State, and he was a participant in the nationally broadcast Bill Moyers series, Genesis: A Living Conversation.


César J. Baldelomar


Daniel Carroll Rodas