Try Jesus

Stephen R. DiTrolio Coakley and Rev. Dr. Loida Martell ruminate on the ubiquitous phrase


“We live in a world of profits,” says Rev. Dr. Loida Martell, “and, unfortunately,  we have lost sight of prophets.” A pioneer throughout her career—from veterinary medicine to theology—she pays close attention to terminology and meaning. A store sign that read “Try Jesus” inspired her to probe deeper into the oft-repeated phrase. In this conversation with Stephen R. DiTrolio Coakley, Rev. Dr. Martell unpacks the many definitions of ‘try’ and how we apply them to Christ’s teachings in a globalized world, where “love has grown cold” toward the disenfranchised. To follow Jesus, she reminds us, means always asking, To whom am I being a neighbor?


“Try Jesus,” Teaching Theology in a Global and Transnational World, 25 February 2012



Toward a Critical Theological Imagination, Part 3: Expanding Circles of Theological Knowledge Production


Present but Unseen