The Scholar’s Guide to Writing a Dissertation

Stephen Di Trolio interviews Dr. Patrick Reyes on making new ways for doctoral education through podcasts


In this episode of OP Talks, Stephen Di Trolio interviews Chicano educator, administrator, and institutional strategist Dr. Patrick Reyes. He is the host of the Forum for Theological Exploration (FTE) podcast “The Scholar’s Guide to Writing,” a series of guided practices to assist scholars in the art of writing a dissertation.

Dr. Reyes is also Senior Director of Learning Design at FTE, a leadership incubator founded in 1954 that inspires young people to make a difference in the world through Christian communities. In addition to providing oversight for organizational learning and resource development around vocational exploration, leadership and innovation, he manages FTE’s doctoral initiatives. His “Scholar’s Guide” podcast was born out of questions like, "What is the challenge doctoral students face? What is the internal resistance beyond the committee?" Step-by-step, the podcast aims to help doctoral students through the dissertation-writing process—from writing the acknowledgements and the conclusion to editing the manuscript, and more.



Chapter 1: Writing the Acknowledgements First, The Scholar’s Guide to Writing, FTE, 26 January 2022.


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