The End of Theological Education

Dr. Antonio (Tony) Alonso and Rev. Dr. Ted A. Smith discuss his latest book, which reimagines church, ministry, and dominant educational models in this time between the times

Archetype spiral sandstone carving in Crete, Greece. Photo: Gerhard Lipold


In this episode of OP Talks, Dr. Antonio (Tony) Alonso and Rev. Dr. Ted A. Smith discuss his latest book The End of Theological Education (Wm. B. Eerdmans, 2023), which explores how to envision theological education in this time between the times. 

Rev. Dr. Smith refuses to tell the story as one of progress or decline. He emphasizes why it’s important to reimagine a broader mission: “First, to democratize our imagination, to see all the things that people are already doing [beyond the dominant models in institutions], especially people far from centers of power and concentrations of capital.” The other reason, he tells Dr. Alonso, “is so that people don’t despair. The ending of this one model is not the ending of theological education.” In the book, Rev. Dr. Smith encourages us to understand theological education in relation to its ultimate purpose: “knowledge of God,” he writes, “knowledge so deep, so intimate, that it requires and accomplishes our transformation.”

Along with the book, this conversation is part of the Theological Education between the Times (TEBT) series, an initiative out of HTI member school Emory University Candler School of Theology that "gathers diverse groups of people for critical, theological conversations about the meanings and purposes of theological education. The project begins with a recognition that theological education is between the times, on the way. And it works in the confidence that we do not walk this road alone."



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